LINC Personality Profiler LPP

Future-oriented personality diagnosis with the LPP

Get to know yourself or your employees better!

We are certified coaches and trainers for the LINC PERSONALITY PROFILER, a new, future-oriented tool for professional personality development. The development of one's own personality is now a decisive factor on the way to greater professional and private success.


More than ever, professional and well-founded instruments are needed with which personality can actually be recorded and clearly presented. The LINC PERSONALITY PROFILER (LPP) is exactly such a tool. The LPP represents a new approach in the field of personality analysis and development. An online personality test that is based on the most well-founded model of personality psychology - the BIG FIVE. The LPP was founded by LINC developed, a spin-off from the Leuphana University of Lüneburg.

The BIG FIVE personality test creates a differentiated profile of character traits, motives and skills in the form of a detailed results report and thus offers users appreciative feedback for personal development. The individual results enable a completely new view of your own personality and thus become the starting point for real, sustainable further development. Ideally in conjunction with training or individual coaching, in which we reflect together on your resources and development potential.

With the LINC PERSONALITY PROFILER, personality can be recorded and understood holistically - the building blocks:

Future-oriented personnel development and selection with the BIG FIVE

The scope of application of the LINC PERSONALITY PROFILER extends far beyond individual personality development. We offer variants for a wide range of areas of application in your company:

  • LPP TEAM CHECK for team development – identify personality styles in the team, better understand team members, recognize missing resources, integrate new team members, improve communication and cooperation, avoid conflicts, increase performance, satisfaction and efficiency in the team.
  • LPP CANDIDATE CHECK for personnel selection - contemporary and successful personnel selection through understanding the personality of all candidates, professional target-actual comparison between job and applicant profile
  • LPP EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT for 360° managerial feedback and employee discussions
  • LPP PARTNER CHECK for conflict mediation – for example in coaching management

Talk to us – we will be happy to advise you!

Quality features of the LINC PERSONALITY PROFILER include:

  • Very good construct validity and high scale reliability (.80): contemporary and practical implementation of the Big 5 model as a standard model of modern personality psychology
  • Empirically clearly proven superiority of the Big 5 model over typological methods
  • Low falsification due to forcedchoice answer format
  • GDPR-compatible implementation
  • Multiple awards for quality and innovation
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